In the series Growth, I am continuing my investigation into natural forms. This group of ceramic sculptures reference the mineral, vegetal and fungal. I am fascinated when forms in nature seem to cross between categorizations. For instance, many tufa formations resemble animal and human forms. In several pieces here, I focus on a surface rock texture, with limbs that create an animated, creaturely form. The textures of many of these pieces come from direct observation of the incredible variety of tufa rocks. The added tiny conical forms are originally inspired by tiny mushrooms I have observed many times sprouting in Nevada forests. Added to the rock-like forms, I feel these further animate my ceramic pieces. I like to create forms that defy strict categorization, allowing the viewer to spend time thinking about what a piece looks like to them and engaging with the form, perhaps being reminded of time spent in nature. My goal is to bring to mind the vitality and spirit of our landscape.